Choosing Bottles for Your Baby

Choosing Bottles for Your Baby

Worldwide Surrogacy Specialists


An expecting parent might think all baby products are created equally until the day they venture into a baby store for the first time. So many options, some offering only the slightest differences, can make the selection process unnecessarily time consuming and overwhelming. Choosing good baby bottles isn't rocket science, but it can be a daunting task if you are not aware of what is out there. It is helpful to think about what is most likely to match your preferences and needs.

Plastic, Glass or Stainless Steel

Years ago, glass bottles were the only option. As modern conveniences bombarded our society with plastic for everything, plastic bottles evolved into the go to choice. Plastic bottles are lighter than glass ones and less likely to break if dropped. Some plastic bottles even come with convenient disposable inserts (*less to clean/sanitize). Plastic dominated as the preferred bottle choice until warnings about BPA and its potentially harmful effects on humans (especially babies) started to surface.

Most, if not all, plastic baby bottles these days are made BPA-free. Some research indicates BPA-free makes plastic bottles a safer option. Others argue that additional chemicals are used in plastics and can also be harmful to the body. If a parent chooses to use plastic bottles, it is important they dispose of and replace the bottles if scratched or visibly worn.

Glass bottles are a safer option because they are not made with the chemicals used to make plastic. There are even glass bottles that come with protectors to prevent the bottles from breaking if dropped. Of course, glass is glass and can still break, but the extra protection is a plus. Glass bottles are also easier to clean than their plastic counterparts.

Stainless steel bottles are the newest option and are becoming increasingly popular. Supporters for stainless steel baby bottles claim they are as safe as glass yet as light and shatterproof as plastic bottles.

Large Bottles or Small Bottles

Most bottles come in two sizes, 4oz and 8oz. In the beginning, your baby will only need the 4oz bottles. However, their appetites will eventually increase and 8oz bottles will be needed. If you are registered for baby gifts or plan to have all necessary items before the baby is born, it is a good idea to get both sizes.


Baby bottles, and all their parts, need to be sanitized. The old school method of boiling parts for five minutes is tried, true and tested. The only problem is finding the time to stay on top of sanitizing. Bottle sanitizers are a handy modern convenience worth considering. You simply rinse the bottles after each use, disassemble and load them into the sanitizer, then plug the sanitizer in, add a small amount of water, and turn the knob to let that little miracle machine do the work for you.

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